Hello & Welcome,

We’re Marco and Sabrina.

These days we live in London, but really we’re citizens of nowhere in particular, as between us we’ve lived on five continents and travelled to six.

If that all sounds a bit ridiculous, it’s because Sabrina was brought up in Hong Kong and Sydney and my work took me first to Australia where we met, then after our daughter was born to South America, various European countries, and the USA where we spent years at a time, so with no particular effort we became nomads.

Wherever we happen to be, the hunt for new food experiences is a big part of our day, and for as long as we’ve travelled together, I’ve assiduously recorded not only what we did but what we ate and it’s that combination of food, mood, place and moment which conjures up indelible memories for us.

Why a ‘hundred years’ you may ask? Some of the stories are recollections and recipes from our parents, grandparents and respective families- a polyglot stew of Anglo-Argentine, Norwegian, Portuguese, Scottish and Cantonese.

What to expect

We publish our newsletter three times a month (every ten days or so) and there’s no chronology to the stories, so one week you’ll be with my father as a young boy on holiday with his cousins in Oslo in 1939 or with Sabrina in her early childhood in 1960s Hong Kong, and the next we’ll share a memory we made from the few weeks we spent in Australia earlier this year. Hopefully though you’ll begin to get a sense of the places where we’ve lived and have travelled to and with Sabrina’s re-creation of the recipe for the food we enjoyed in that moment, a chance to make it for yourselves.

For now, One hundred years of family food memories is completely free for subscribers.

The best way you can support our work is by showing your appreciation (clicking the Like button of course), but especially commenting (we’d love to hear about and have a discussion with you about what you ate and experienced) and sharing our stories with your friends, connections and followers.

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Recollections & recipes from six continents
